Saturday 15 February 2014

How to Declare Array in JavaScripts



<script type="text/Javascript">

 obj = new Array ("Bhargav","Harsh","Sagar","Hemin","Apurv","Jeshal","Ali","Chirag");



How to create a Function in JavaScript

<title>JavaScript Training</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

 function demo()      // Create Function
 alert("Hello World !!");

demo();     //Calling Function


Friday 7 February 2014

Hand Gesture Recognition Code

class FingerDetector{
  PImage out;
  int w,h;
  public FingerDetector(int _w, int _h){
  w = _w;
  h = _h; 
  out = createImage(w, h, RGB);
  void setImage(PImage img){
        for(int k = 0; k <img.pixels.length; k++){
        out.pixels[k] = img.pixels[k];
//  PImage getImage(){
//    return out;
//  }
  boolean goodPixel(int x, int y){
  int count_white = 0;
  //Finger's tip model .
  float r =  120 /TWO_PI;
  //The farest  the hand is placed from the webcam
  //the smallest this needs to be set.
  int finger_size = 8 ;
  //For each pixels on the circumference
  //with radius 120/2*pi and with center
  //located at x,y (current pixel's coordinate)...
  for(int k = 0; k < 360; k+=10){
    int x1 =  x + (int)(r*cos(k));
    int y1 =  y + (int)(r*sin(k));
    if(x1  >= 0 && x1  < out.width && y1  >= 0 && y1  < out.height)
    //...count how many are hand pixel...
    if(brightness((out.pixels[x1+y1*out.width]&0xff0000)>>16)== 255){count_white++;}
  //..if they are in the finger's tip region... 
  if( count_white < finger_size  && count_white != 0) return true; // x y coordinate we have a finger's tip pixel
  return false;
